HEINZ-GLAS is investing in the future: All-electric glass melting furnace inaugurated at the Piesau site!
On 16 September, the new electric glass melting furnace was inaugurated at the HEINZ-GLAS Group's oldest production site in Piesau and named ‘Edith’. This all-electric glass melting furnace is a decisive step on our journey towards fossil-free glass production in Piesau. With a daily glass melting capacity of 70 tonnes and the use of CO2-free electricity instead of fossil natural gas, we are setting a strong example for sustainability and climate protection.
The switch to all-electric melting technology is part of a comprehensive transformation process in which we have invested 17 million euros in the course of this project. In the coming years, further production processes are to be converted to fossil-free energy sources such as green electricity and hydrogen. We are pursuing the ambitious goal of establishing the world's first fossil-free melting glassworks at our site in Piesau! 🌱
A big thank you goes out to our entire team and to all our partners who have contributed to the successful completion of the furnace construction.
We look forward to producing high-quality glass bottles in Piesau again starting in October and continuing to focus on innovative and sustainable solutions! đź’ˇ
25.09.2024, Heinz Glas
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