SGD Pharma showcases new post-consumer recycled glass packaging at Luxe Pack Monaco 2024

SGD Pharma, a global cosmetic and pharmaceutical glass packaging provider, successfully completed its first campaign using 20 percent post-consumer recycled (PCR) glass cullet. The new sustainable PCR glass bottles, manufactured at SGD Pharma’s Zhanjiang, China plant, will debut at Luxe Pack Monaco, the leading trade show dedicated to luxury cosmetic and beauty packaging taking place between 30th September and 2nd October 2024.

The PCR glass bottles offer improved sustainability by reducing the use of virgin raw materials and carbon emissions thanks to less energy consumption during the melting process. This provides cosmetics brands with a more sustainable primary packaging option which will contribute to reducing their Scope 3 emissions.

The PCR glass manufacturing is a strategic part of SGD Pharma’s company-wide goal to reduce its carbon footprint globally by 35 percent in 2030 and by 65 percent in 2040 (Scope 1&2) compared to 2020 results and to achieve the 1.5°C SBTi trajectory to which SGD Pharma is committed. FEVE – The Federation of European manufacturers of glass containers – states that on average, a 10% increase of cullet in the furnace decreases its energy use by 3% and CO2 emissions by 5%.[i]

During its first campaign, the glass bottles produced by SGD Pharma contained 20% PCR glass cullet according to FEVE’s standards. All the PCR cullet used at Zhanjiang plant undergoes extensive testing both before and after entering the furnace to ensure purity and clarity of the glass. The resulting PCR glass bottles maintain the same levels of aesthetic quality, functionality and safety (with the absence of heavy metals and other prohibited materials) as conventional glass bottles, while simultaneously being more environmentally friendly.

Frédéric Barbier, General Manager China and APAC, commented: “Glass can be infinitely recycled, which is a great advantage over plastic as a packaging material. For the past ten years, the cosmetic glass industry in Europe has used PCR glass as standard and has experienced a significant reduction in its carbon footprint as a result. Sourcing compliant PCR glass cullet in China is a challenge which is why we’re proud to be the first beauty and pharmaceutical glass maker in China to launch a PCR campaign that complies with international standards. Our first campaign incorporated 20% PCR was a resounding success, and we look forward to a second campaign in coming months with plans to implement regular PCR campaigns in 2025 to answer growing demand for sustainable packaging in the cosmetics and beauty industry.”

SGD Pharma’s cosmetic glass offerings at Luxe Pack Monaco 2024 edition satisfy the three Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. NOVA, a lightweighting glass solution, reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by combining the exceptional functional and aesthetic performance of glass with weight optimization. As such, the new 200ml bottle from the company’s NOVA range boasts reduced CO2 emissions by approximately 20 percent compared with the original Dorado bottle. Also on display, ECLIPSE, SGD Pharma’s bespoke refillable glass packaging allows customers to reuse glass jars by effortlessly replenishing a new product-filled capsule, reducing single-use packaging and environmental impact. Finally, the new PCR glass bottles will be the first of their kind manufactured in SGD Pharma’s China plant to meet the needs of customers for environment conscious packaging in the cosmetics and beauty sectors.

SGD Pharma boasts a wealth of expertise in developing industry-leading packaging solutions and is the market leader in the manufacture of glass packaging for cosmetics and beauty brands in the Asia Pacific region. Visit us at booth RC18 to see the most innovative sustainable cosmetic and beauty glass products and talk to our team of experts about how we can achieve your requirements while delivering on the promise of sustainability.

26.09.2024, SGD Pharma

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