The GPD 2025 program structure is now available!

With interactive sessions and workshops, conference sessions, and the Step Change program, visitors receive an unforgettable experience of networking, learning, and professional development. 
GPD 2025 will be held from Tuesday to Thursday, June 10-12, 2025, at the Nokia Arena, Tampere, Finland. Based on the feedback from the 2023 edition, the event dates have been carefully selected to offer the best experience for our attendees, with travel, workweek productivity, and the overall conference experience in mind. By scheduling the event during midweek, we aim to create an engaging atmosphere while leaving room for well-deserved weekend plans. 

Tuesday is full of interactive sessions and after-work activities

On Tuesday, a variety of Interactive sessions and workshops will be arranged. This allows participants to explore the latest tools and methodologies essential for driving success supporting better their agendas. Once the Interactive sessions have concluded for the day, it’s time to switch to networking, relaxation, and social interaction among attendees. We will arrange a variety of sporty activities open to everyone. Sports activities will be announced later. After the sports activities or arriving later in the evening in Tampere, everyone is welcome to our “Meet Up Lounge” for food, drinks, and conversation. 

Conference days kick off on Wednesday and an evening Get Together 

On Wednesday we’ll kick off the two-day conference presentations, followed by the evening Get Together, which is a relaxed and welcoming gathering designed to connect and network with others. The two conference days include a quality conference program involving premium presentations alongside the Step Change program, allowing visitors to learn and exchange insights. The 2025 Step Change event will be hosted in conjunction with the GPD exhibition, which will introduce new technologies and disruptive ideas to stimulate growth and development in the industry. 

Cherishing traditions with the Farewell Party on Thursday

The event will be finalized with the legendary GPD Farewell Party, cherishing traditions, creating unforgettable memories, and forming valuable connections. 


20.09.2024, GPD

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