Official Registration for GAFA2024 Now Open: Asia’s Largest Network of Glass and Facade

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam – 16 September 2024 - The much-anticipated Glasstech Asia and Fenestration Asia (GAFA) 2024 is now officially open for registration! Set to take place from December 11-13, 2024, in the vibrant city of Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, GAFA2024 is poised to be a groundbreaking event, bringing together the most influential players in the glass and facade industries. At GAFA2024, we are dedicated not only to driving innovation within the industry but also to fostering the future of architecture and design. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our support for emerging talent and the new ideas they bring to the table. This year’s event will shine a spotlight on these visionary perspectives, underscoring our role as a catalyst for both current and future industry leaders.

Event Highlights:


Powered by BAU and Supported by the Singapore Glass Association
GAFA2024 is proudly powered by BAU, a leading trade fair for architecture, materials,
and systems, and a key part of the BAU Network. This affiliation allows our exhibitors
and visitors to tap into BAU’s extensive global network, providing unmatched
opportunities to connect with a broader audience, access new markets, and drive
innovation in the glass and façade sectors. With the support of the Glass Alliance, this
event underscores our commitment to advancing the glass industry in Asia through
collaboration and knowledge-sharing.

Shaping the Future of Glass and Fenestration
GAFA2024 aims to chart the course for the next generation of glass and facade
technologies, setting the stage for innovations that will define the industry’s future. With
sustainability and cutting-edge design at the forefront, GAFA2024 is where visionaries
and industry leaders come together to turn ideas into reality.

Join Asia's Largest Network of Glass and Facade
As Asia’s largest network of glass and facade professionals, GAFA2024 offers a unique
platform to engage with the entire value chain, from manufacturers and suppliers to
architects and developers. This is more than an event; it’s a movement toward a more
sustainable, innovative future.


Register Now
Don’t miss out on the premier event of the year. Register now at and be part of the future
of glass and fenestration in Asia.


About Glasstech and Fenestration Asia
Glasstech and Fenestration Asia (GAFA) is powered by BAU, a leading trade fair for
architecture, materials, and systems, and the Singapore Glass Association. GAFA is the
leading trade show in Asia for the glass and facade industry, offering unparalleled
networking, business, and learning opportunities. With a focus on innovation,
sustainability, and industry collaboration, GAFA is where the future of glass and
fenestration comes to life.


For media inquiries, please contact:
Amanda Lim
Marketing Executive

16.09.2024, Glasstech Asia

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