GlassApp is a mobile application designed for glassmakers worldwide, enabling them to produce instant quotes, optimize orders, access standards and broadcast ads, all from their smartphone. Available free of charge since February 29, 2024 on the Appstore and Google Play, it has already won over more than 500,000 flat glass professionals in 196 countries, translated into 10 languages.
In September 2024, the GlassApp app will be launched in China with new features, such as the integration of optimization of straight and curved shapes and optimization of tempering furnace loading. It will be possible to print various documents from the app, such as shipping labels or invoices. For the first time, the application will enable complete glass production to be controlled from a smartphone.
These innovations will be showcased at the Glasstec trade fair in October 2024. (Hall 12 - A55/C81)
From November 2024, a communications campaign will encourage users to take out premium subscriptions to make GlassApp's business model profitable.
28.08.2024, GlassApp
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