A permanent exhibition in Rijeka, Croatia, on the history of the pharmacy include ten displays made with curved laminated glass. See here how three different Strato interlayers were put to good use in the installations.
The modernity of the Croatian museum and the experience offered to visitors are reflected in the environment and materials used for the displays, with laminated glass playing a crucial role. Laminated glass is extensively utilized in various areas of the museum, including a timeline dedicated to the development of local pharmacy, where it enhances both the educational journey and the aesthetics of the museum spaces.
Strato EVA:
The client’s aesthetic and performance requirements were met effectively with the use of two EVA films from the Strato series. This range of Italian-made interlayers, available in different colours and finishes, was employed to create specific curved laminated glasses.
Strato Latte:
This EVA film is ideal for interior lighting due to its ability to allow light to filter through the glass without reflections. It diffuses light uniformly, and the satin texture from the Strato Frost line creates harmonious frost effects even on curved surfaces.
Strato Extra Clear:
A high-transparency interlayer suitable for internal and external use, ensuring optimal light transmission while filtering over 99% of UV rays, providing maximum protection.
The resulting curved laminated glass combines high aesthetic elegance with superior resistance, lighting, transparency, and UV protection.
Satinal, leveraging the versatility and numerous combination possibilities of the interlayers in the Strato line, has applied its technical expertise in the glass industry to support cultural dissemination to the general public.
12.08.2024, Strato
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