Pilkington North America has confirmed its presence in a glass research centre of excellence in Ohio, USA
The Governor of Ohio recently announced the Northwest Ohio Innovation Consortium (NOIC) will receive a $31.3 million grant from the Ohio Department of Development’s Innovation Hubs programme to establish an Innovation Hub.
Pilkington North America is a member of NOIC, a non-profit born out of local industry, with a vision to make Northwest Ohio a national leader in innovation, creating new jobs and business opportunities and supporting world-class research aligning with the needs of local industries.
The hub will establish a Glass Centre of Excellence in Northwest Ohio as a shared space for a collaborative effort between the University of Toledo, Bowling Green State University and local private sector companies to expand world class glass research for the solar panel, container, automotive, architectural, and fibre glass products.
As reported by Glass International on July 2, the centre will be located at O-I Glass in Perrysburg, Ohio.
Kyle Sword, R&D Director, North America, said: “The collaboration between local industries and education partners will provide great support for workforce development, sustainable manufacturing, and also spark glass industry innovation.”
26.07.2024, Pilkington
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