In several expansion stages, photovoltaic systems with an output of more than eight megawatt hours will be installed on the roofs of the Vetropack plant in Kremsmünster by 2026. Even in the first expansion stage, the systems will generate as much solar power as approx. 410 households consume per year. The 2nd expansion stage has just been completed and together the PV systems on our roofs with a total capacity of 4.18 MWp generate a total of 4,469 MWh of solar power. In the final expansion stage, the PV systems will produce just over eight megawatt hours of solar power, which corresponds to the annual consumption of around 2,000 households. The electricity will be used 100 percent directly at the Kremsmünster plant for a more sustainable glass production.
The photovoltaic system was planned and implemented in collaboration with the Austrian energy company VERBUND. The entire system was adapted to the plant's explicit electricity consumption profile to ensure that 100% of the electricity generated can flow directly into production. After the final expansion stage, this will save around 345 tons of CO2 per year and have a positive impact on our carbon footprint.
Since April 2024, the first expansion stage of Vetropack's PV system has also been the focus of our partner VERBUND's current photovoltaic campaign "Solar energy from our own power". Johann Eggerth, Managing Director of Vetropack Austria, acts as a testimonial and motivates energy-intensive companies to follow our example and also install their own PV system, because every additional system is an important step towards a green energy future and a positive contribution to the energy transition.
05.07.2024, Vetropack
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