One of the largest glass manufacturers in Russia, Larta Glass, is a vivid example of how global political events can influence the life of a completely successful enterprise and make fateful changes in its activities. Mobility, focus on success, ability to take into account market conditions - these and other qualities of his current leadership have done everything to ensure that the challenges of the time receive a worthy response. Larta Glass CEO Elena Rassudimova spoke about what helped overcome difficulties and reach new heights.
✿ Elena Aleksandrovna, what is the situation at the enterprise now? How do you assess its economic position and prospects?
– Over the past two years, our team has gone through major transformational changes: in 2022, Guardian Glass sold its Russian business, and we became part of the FSK Group. At the same time, we introduced a new brand – Larta Glass. Last year, a glass production plant formerly known as Pilkington Glass Russia joined our group of companies. So
Thus, today Larta Glass consists of three modern factories for the production of sheet glass, employing almost 1000 people.
Uniting three factories under a new brand is not just a task, it is a challenge that we are successfully coping with thanks to our close-knit team and strong corporate culture. In our work we are guided by seven principles: honesty, responsible attitude, entrepreneurial approach and partnership, respect, knowledge and search for solutions, modesty, constant self-improvement and development.
For us, these are not just words, they are a powerful tool that allows us not only to overcome periods of crisis, but also to continuously grow and develop. Thus, despite the turbulence of recent years, we were able to launch a number of import-substituting products on our own and without the involvement of foreign experts. These include extra-large magnetron-coated glass measuring over 9 meters in length (for comparison, standard coated glass measures no more than 6 meters) and anti-reflective glass with a neutral color and improved aesthetics. These products were created in response to the global architectural trend and the demand of the Russian market for neutral, visually light facades and structures.
As for the prospects, we are optimistic about the future. The construction industry is showing positive dynamics, and the demand for translucent structures is growing. We see a trend towards increasing the glazing area and increasing the complexity of window solutions and are ready to keep pace with growing needs, invest in the development of new products and improve our technologies.
✿ What preceded your appointment to the post of general director of the enterprise? The position of general director of an enterprise - was it a logical step in the development of your professional biography or an overcoming, a breakthrough associated with the risk of testing yourself in this role?
– My career as a manager began with managing a department in the telecommunications sector. I was 28 years old then. Taking responsibility for the work of the team during a period of intense business transformation contributed to my professional growth and development as a leader. I then joined Guardian Glass where I continued my career. I headed the financial block, then got the opportunity to head the entire Russian business of the company.
My professional growth has been about overcoming challenges. I think that the appointment to the position of general director was just one of them. A new position is always a responsibility that requires even more diligence and development of competencies.
✿ Managing a large enterprise involves a variety of activities - knowledge of technology, understanding market conditions, interaction with people, etc. What is most difficult for you and, conversely, interesting?
– Indeed, every day brings new challenges and opportunities. This is what makes the role of a leader interesting and exciting. As for the most challenging task, I would highlight the need to constantly adapt to a changing business environment. Technologies are developing very dynamically, and customer expectations are changing along with them. To remain competitive, we must be prepared to change quickly and innovate.
On the other hand, the most interesting thing for me is the opportunity to interact with people. I am convinced that the success of any company directly depends on its employees. It is their talent, dedication and enthusiasm that makes our company so special. In general, managing a large enterprise is a constant process of learning, improving management skills and personal development.
✿ In our country, women in high positions are not such a common situation. How do you rate this? Your subordinates are mostly men. What do you have to consider in your relationship with them?
– I would say that now we see rather a trend towards an increase in the number of women in leadership positions. From my own example, I can say that people with different experiences complement each other and make the team stronger. For me there are no gender differences when it comes to competence. The expertise and contribution to the common cause of each employee are important and valuable for business.
I have already mentioned our corporate culture - this is the basis of our approach to work and building working relationships. Our seven guiding principles apply to everyone, regardless of gender or position. One of them is respect. This means we treat each other with respect, value differences, and create an environment where everyone feels comfortable and can thrive. We encourage open communication, collaboration and respect for different points of view.
✿ Tell us about yourself: do you manage to find time for leisure and family? How do you spend your personal time? How do you find ways to restore strength?
– I try to find a balance between professional and personal life. The source of inspiration at work is my team. When I am surrounded by such talented and passionate people, I feel energized and ready to overcome any challenge. My personal place of power is a country house, surrounded by forest and picturesque nature. There I can take a break from the bustle of the city, enjoy the fresh air and recharge myself with the special atmosphere of this place.
I always try to find more time for my family, travel together and work with the children. At the same time, they see what an important role my favorite job plays in my life. I try to teach them the importance of having a cause that inspires and show them what female leadership is through personal example.
08.07.2024, StekloSouz
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