Meyer Burger Technology announces the timeline of the reverse share split in the ratio 750:1, which was approved by the Annual General Meeting held on June 25, 2024.
June 28, 2024: Last trading day of old shares (ISIN: CH0108503795) on SIX Swiss Exchange
July 1, 2024: First trading day of new shares (ISIN: CH1357065999) on SIX Swiss Exchange (ex-date)
The reverse share split may result in fractions of new registered shares for individual shareholders. This is the case if shareholders hold a number of Meyer Burger shares that is not divisible by 750 as of June 28, 2024 (after close of trading). Shareholdings below 750 old shares or the remainder of old shares exceeding an integer multiple of 750, i.e., in each case between 1 and 749 old shares, will be rounded down and settled in cash (in CHF). The compensation corresponds to the three-day volume-weighted average price (VWAP) of the Meyer Burger share on the SIX Swiss Exchange prior to the ex-date of the reverse share split.
The new shares issued following the reverse share split will have a new International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) while the existing shares held prior to the reverse share split will be canceled. Shareholders who wish to continue exercising their voting rights are requested to arrange for a re-registration in the Company’s share register.
04.07.2024, Meyer Burger
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