Semcoglas introduces illuminated fall protection

Glass as a light conducting medium. This vision has now been jointly realised by the experts from Semco, Isophon and Croso. The result is two new products: Semco-Lux is available as luminous fall protection and as a luminous French balcony.

With the new Semco G-Lux, a railing solution and fall protection with illuminated glass is available and Semco with B-Lux is an illuminated version of Semco Balustrade, the French balcony.

Background: Until now, the production of surface luminaires made of glass was hardly feasible. Semco B-Lux and G-Lux are products that specifically use the special physical properties of glass to achieve homogeneous light distribution over the entire glass surface.

A specially developed laser process is used to apply a dot matrix to the glass surface that diffuses the light evenly.

Attractive design using laser

A choice of various dot patterns is available and allows a variety of transparencies and optical appearances. Laser technology can be used to add individual motifs to these dot patterns.

This means that a lasered design can be clearly visible even when the glass pane is not illuminated (e.g. logos for shops or company buildings) or can only be shown to its full advantage when the LED light is scattered over the glass pane.

The combination of laser-processed glass, LED technology and high-quality hardware components make Semco B-Lux and G-Lux spectacular highlights.

Pleasant and energy-saving lighting

Both products illustrate what is possible when creative and visionary partners pull together to exploit the hidden potential of glass.

In branding, marketing, illuminated advertising, design and interiors, the designer glasses of the Semco-Lux series enable pleasant and energy-saving lighting. The colour of the light can be adjusted and individually controlled at any time.


28.06.2024, Semcoglas

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