In today’s rapidly evolving world, we stand out by truly listening to our customers and valuing their experiences. This commitment to understanding client needs drives the company to continuously improve its equipment, ensuring that it not only meets but exceeds expectations.
By staying attuned to the ever-changing demands of the market, Forglass remains a leader in innovation and customer satisfaction.
Forglass has developed several advanced functions to address the main challenges faced by glass factories, integrated into their Smartscraper® system:
Flow Control System™: This system allows the conveyor to automatically adjust its speed based on the load. It increases speed when the glass load is heavier and decreases it when the load is lighter. This not only enhances the lifespan of the machine but also reduces power consumption.
Overload Protection System™: Utilizing electronic sensors, this function continuously monitors the conveyor to quickly prevent damage if any metallic elements fall into the scraper.
Fines Free System™: – The innovative scraper conveyor design has been developed to prevent the production of cullet fines, which are considered unusable waste in glass plants and cause additional disposal costs. The cullet fines produced by a standard scraper conveyor can be up to 300 tonnes and cost up to €50,000 per year. In addition, this small fraction of cullet often causes damage to the water cooling systems of the scrapers.
The Smartscraper® also includes other smart features such as Steam Safe System, Web Server System, and ModuLift System.
26.06.2024, Forglass
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