Mr. Narendra Nath Goyal, Executive Committee Member and Hon. General Secretary of the Northern India Glass Manufacturers' Association (NIGMA) retired from U P Twiga Fiberglass Ltd., on March 31, 2024 as Director Operations after a career spanning more than five decades of distinguished service. Mr. Goyal is a Mechanical Engineer from IIT Kanpur and has worked with industries like Fiberglass Pilkington Ltd., Binani Glass Fiber and U P Twiga Fiberglass Ltd. Mr. Goyal started in 1968 as Management Trainee with Fiberglass Pilkington Ltd., rising to the position of Vice President (Works) before joining U P Twiga Fiberglass Ltd., in 1991 as General Manager (Works), leaving for a short stint with Binani Glass Fiber and rejoining U P Twiga in 1996 as Vice President (Operations). Since then, Mr. Goyal has played a stellar role in the success of U P Twiga over the years and is seen as a pioneer in building Fiberglass Insulation Industry in India. His greatest contribution has been in building world class future-ready technology plants well ahead of its time in India, which has helped position Twiga as a high-quality brand not only in India but also in international markets in South East Asia. He has also mentored and trained strong leaders and teams at the plants who will carry his legacy forward. AIGMF wishes Mr. Goyal and his family peace and harmony with good health in future.
11.06.2024, The All India Glass Manufacturers´ Federation
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