AGC starts new LSG production in eastern Germany

AGC inaugurated a new LSG production facility in Osterweddingen at the end of April 2024. With an annual capacity of 5.5 million square metres, the LSG line will produce high-quality safety glass. The plant is scheduled to officially go into operation in June 2024. Here are the details.

The new LSG line will transform the Osterweddingen plant into a fully integrated site where the float glass produced will be fed directly into the coating line and then, if necessary, into the laminating line to produce high-quality glass products, according to AGC officials. The direct connection to the float plant and the coating process provides great flexibility in the production of laminated glass, which is available in various sizes and with different coatings.

The inauguration of the plant, which has an annual capacity of around 5.5 million square metres, was preceded by a start-up phase lasting several months.

See also: Jumbo XXL IGU line for AGC Interpane in Bavaria

Enrico Ceriani, Vice President AGC Architectural Glass Europe & Americas - Upstream emphasises: "This investment in a brand-new laminating line in Germany underlines our strong commitment to continue to provide our customers with a first-class service while pursuing our ambitious sustainability goals."

Which glass formats are available as LSG?

According to the company, AGC's high-performance laminating line is a flexible tool that can produce the full range of laminated products in formats from DLFs (half jumbo format) to customised formats and actually jumbo XXL formats (up to 7 metres) - with or without glass coating.

The LSG line works with a sheet-by-sheet process, which enables more flexible order processing, and has two autoclaves. The line can process glass thicknesses from 4 to 24 mm to produce high-quality laminated safety glass.

From June, AGC in Osterweddingen will also be producing low-carbon float glass. This product represents an important step towards environmentally friendly glass solutions, as manufacturer AGC emphasises.

03.06.2024, AGC

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