Officials of Anglo Watsons Glass Inc. (AWGI) and TeaM Philippines Energy Corporation (TPEC) led by AWGI President Alec Tempongko and TPEC President Tristan Taghoy shown after recently signing a retail electricity supply agreement.
Under the agreement, TPEC’s supply of electricity to AWGI’s bottle manufacturing plant in Laguna shall be 100% backed by an International Renewable Energy Certificate (I-REC) from a domestic renewable energy plant.
This will allow the glass manufacturer to attain zero emissions for its energy usage during the supply period. Tempongko affirmed AWGI’s commitment to sustainability by taking measures to reduce its carbon footprint. Taghoy stressed TPEC’s commitment to contribute to the success of AWGI.
AWGI is a subsidiary of Emperador Distillers Inc. under the Alliance Global Group, Inc. alongside its other affiliates such as Megaworld, Golden Arches and Travellers International Hotel.
17.04.2024, Anglo Watsons Glass Inc
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