We are thrilled to announce that GPD 2025 Finland is scheduled to take place from June 10 to 12, 2025, at the Nokia Arena in Tampere, Finland.
Glass Performance Days will once again unite professionals from the glass industry and the entire industry value chain worldwide, including researchers, architects, designers, glass producers, processors, equipment providers, and end users facilitating the exchange of insights and advancements among peers.
Prepare to immerse yourself in three condensed days of glass innovation, insights, and invaluable networking opportunities. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a newcomer seeking connections, GPD 2025 promises an unforgettable experience.
Stay tuned for updates and announcements on speakers, sessions, and networking opportunities as we strive to make GPD 2025 a truly impactful and memorable event for all participants. Ensure getting all news and join the community by following us on our social media channels!
You’ll find us only a click away on LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube and X.
Best regards,
GPD team
10.04.2024, GPD
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