Turkish manufacturer Sisecam fired furnace E at its Eskişehir glass production facility in Turkiye. It means the glass packaging capacity of the site is now at 760 thousand tons from five furnaces.
Prof. Ahmed Kirman, the Chairman of Sisecam can be cited with a statement made last week "Today was truly one of the most exciting days in my 42-year career. We fired 2 furnaces at Şişecam Eskişehir facilities. A capacity of 760 thousand tons was reached in 5 furnaces, including the 190 thousand ton glass packaging furnace. The world's largest capacity in the same area was created. It reached the top in this field with the addition of a glassware furnace with a capacity of 65 thousand tons right next to it. The impressive aspect is that this is the largest glass production point in the world, with a total production of 1 million tons, and I neither witnessed nor signed the smoke of a total of 8 chimneys here. I would like to thank all Şişecam members for this pride. May our path be clear."
29.03.2024, Şişecam
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