The experts are you, the exhibitors at glasstec!
The Hot Topics, the most current issues of our time, feature in all areas of the glass world: glass production, glass processing and finishing as well as glass products and applications.
Is your company already committed to these areas? How does your company prepare for the future situation and/or which of your products is designed to rise to these challenges and expectations? The glasstec conference with its openly accessible lecture stage allows to you introduce your solutions and developments.
This is why we call upon you as an exhibitor and industry expert to help solve the challenges of our days by contributing with a talk as part of the discussions and presentations at glasstec 2024. Likewise, research and teaching institutes as well as specialist publishing houses, associations/organisation are invited to take part with a talk.
Submit your proposal if your intervention deals with at least one of the above-mentioned challenges. An expert jury will select the most exciting and innovative contributions.
25.03.2024, glasstec
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