Wenfrod’s R&D center is attracting attention in the industry by taking a leading role in glass processing technology. Thanks to continuous research and development activities, the company makes a difference in the glass industry by producing new and innovative solutions. The advanced technology products developed with the devoted work of the R&D team find a wide range of applications in both industrial and commercial fields. With these groundbreaking developments in glass processing technology, Wenfrod’s R&D Center reinforces its leadership in the industry and states that it will continue to focus on innovation and quality in the future
Products we produce and R&D : Greenhouse Glass & Tennis Padel Court Glass &
Furniture Glass & Shower Cabin Glass & Curved Glass & Curved Tempered Glass & Insulating Glass Production & Laminated Tempered Glass & Toughened (Tempered) Safety Glass & Flat Polished Edge & Toughened Glass >Polished Edges> Holes & Tempered Glass Turkey
06.03.2024, Wenfrod Glass
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