Wenfrod: The Address for Innovation and Excellence in the Glass Industry
WENFROD operates under AYD GRUP GLASS INDUSTRY, offering innovative and sustainable glass production solutions as a leading brand. Our establishment is equipped with high-quality float glass production lines, providing flat glass of high standards to the global markets. WENFROD aims to become an international force not only in glass production but also in processed glass, aluminum profiles, PVC profiles, and other related industrial products, thanks to its expertise and innovative approach in the sector.
As part of AYD GRUP GLASS INDUSTRY, WENFROD represents the group's excellence in production and quality understanding in international markets. This representation is not limited to the quality of our products but also encompasses our values of customer satisfaction, innovation, and sustainability. At WENFROD, we aim to offer the best service to our customers by adopting the latest technologies and production methodologies in the industry.
02.03.2024, Wenfrod
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