Sungate ThermL™ glass is neutral, colorless and provides low reflectivity, so it looks just like uncoated clear glass while offering enhanced durability and insulation. Sungate ThermL™ glass is engineered to allow for a high rate of visible light transmittance (VLT) and to retain the indoor heated air by slowing down heat transfer through the IGU to reduce winter heating costs.
Sungate ThermL™ coatings are as durable and resistant to mechanical abrasion as uncoated glass.
When Sungate ThermL™ glass is paired in a one-inch IGU with a half-inch airspace with argon and Solarban® 70 glass on the second surface, the U-value is 0.19, which is a 21% improvement over using Solarban® 70 glass alone. This pairing provides a VLT of 63% and a solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of 0.27.
In a one-inch IGU with a half-inch airspace with argon, Solarban® 60 glass on the second surface and Sungate ThermL™ glass on the fourth surface provides a U-value of 0.20, which is a 20% improvement over using Solarban® 60 glass alone on the second surface. The pairing also delivers a VLT of 69%, and a SHGC of 0.38.
Sungate ThermL™ glass is ideal wherever increased insulation performance is needed and can even be used in a triple IGU for even greater insulating value. Wherever it is used, Sungate ThermL™ also allows visible light to pass through for exceptional daylighting while delivering remarkably low interior and exterior reflectance.
Sungate ThermL™ glass will be available from Vitro Authorized® and Vitro Certified® fabricators. Expected to be fully available by July 2024, Sungate ThermL™ glass is currently undergoing final transit and line trials. Pre-register below to be among the first to receive samples of Sungate ThermL™ glass.
22.02.2024, Vitro Architectural Glass
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