The challenge is clear for the wine industry: it must significantly reduce the carbon footprint of its activities.
This situation has led the world’s largest container glass manufacturer, O-I Glass, to dedicate part of its R&D efforts on meeting this decarbonisation objective.
Today, the company has launched its first eco-designed 75 cl bottle for the wine sector whose carbon footprint and approach to achieving carbon neutrality have been validated by climate consultancy the Carbon Trust.
With a weight of 390g and the use of 82% recycled glass in its manufacture, the Estampe bottle obtains a carbon footprint of 249g of CO2 equivalent, or 25% fewer carbon emissions compared to classic 500g bottles.
This performance can be further optimised by the dematerialisation of the overcapping capsule, the adoption of a cork stopper and a paper label.
The residual footprint is offset by the purchase of carbon credits, notably with the planting of orchards in France[1] and the financing of a reforestation project in Brazil.
The modern and attractive shape of the bottle obtains 84% of purchasing intentions among consumers. Neither Burgundian nor Bordeaux, the Estampe bottle obtains consumer preference in 72% of cases[2].
“Perfectly in line with the demands of winegrowers and bottlers, Estampe offers a packaging solution expected by the market and is already giving rise to the first sales.” said Walter Ferrer, General Manager France/Spain O-I Glass.
[2] Toluna study for O-I Glass / January 2023 / France 200 consumers
13.02.2024, O-I Glass, Inc.
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