SGD Pharma optimizes global fill and finish operations with the introduction of its new range of Type I tubular vials featuring Cornings Velocity Vi

SGD Pharma optimizes global fill and finish operations with the introduction of its new range of Type I tubular vials featuring Corning’s Velocity® Vial coating technology for enhanced product quality and patient safety

Paris La Défense, FRANCE – SGD Pharma, global market leader in molded glass primary packaging solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, announces its new range of high-quality Type I injectable vials in tubular glass with the added external low-friction coating developed by Corning thanks to an exclusive co-development partnership. SGD Pharma’s vial-converting expertise is combined with Corning’s® proprietary glass-coating technology to improve pharmaceutical filling-line productivity and speed the global delivery of injectable treatments.

Defective vials can force production lines to stop and more critically may result in recalls and increased manufacturing costs. SGD Pharma’s new Velocity® Vial offering reduces the frictional resistance created by glass-to-glass and glass-to-metal contact, helping pharmaceutical filing lines to prevent potential disruptions to the flow of vials, which can include tip-overs, jams and glass breakages. As a result, there is a reduction in total cost of ownership and an increase in glass quality, making the fill and finish process 20-50% more efficient.

Vial cracks and glass particle contamination are also a risk to patients, but with SGD Pharma’s Velocity® Vials, pharma filling companies will see a reduction in glass particulates of up to 96%. Hence there will be minimal risk of glass particulates getting trapped inside vials during fill and finish operations, protecting the end user and significantly improving product quality and safety.

SGD Pharma’s Type I tubular glass vials are already compliant with USP and EP requirements and are manufactured and released in accordance with ISO GMP standards. The Velocity® Vial coating technology is available in both clear and amber glass, in standard vial sizes 2R to 20R (though sizes up to 30R can be made available on request) and is compliant with EU and US health authorities. 

For more information about SGD Pharma’s Velocity® Vials please visit:


Marketing & Communication SGD Pharma    

Jean-Pascal Marquié –     

05.02.2024, SGD Pharma

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