SCHOTT Pharma’s products serve the growing market for injectable drugs
The ramp-up is expected to start in the course of 2024
More than 100 jobs will be created at the new site in Jagodina
Amid growing market demand, SCHOTT Pharma continues expanding its global manufacturing network and has decided to invest a double-digit million euro amount in a new production site for pharma drug containment solutions and delivery systems in Jagodina in central Serbia. "With this move, we are strengthening our presence in Europe, improving our competitiveness, and increasing our manufacturing flexibility to meet the needs of our customers in the region," explains Andreas Reisse, CEO of SCHOTT Pharma. The ramp-up for the manufacturing of ampoules for the pharmaceutical industry is expected to start in the course of 2024.
As a pioneer in pharma drug containment solutions and delivery systems, the company supplies the global pharma industry with high-quality solutions to safely store and administer medications. As such, the site in central Serbia, is intended to produce ampoules that are suitable for storing injectable drugs, e.g., painkillers, inflammation inhibitors, and anesthetics. Other product groups might follow based on market demand.
The production site in Jagodina, a town of 35,000 inhabitants and the administrative center of the Pomoravlje County, is well on schedule: the groundbreaking ceremony will take place at the end of December. In the first phase, SCHOTT Pharma will create 130 new jobs, and 350 are planned for the expansion phase.
09.01.2024, SCHOTT Pharma
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