Ryze Hydrogen has signed a long-term deal to provide hydrogen to Guardian Glass.
The hydrogen supplied will be used in the manufacturing of float glass, the most widely produced form of glass used in car and building windows, and mirrors.
Operating over 24 float glass lines around the world, Guardian Glass serves 160 countries across five continents. Ryze will support Guardian’s UK plant in Goole, east Yorkshire, with hydrogen, used as a technical gas during the float glass process.
Earlier this year, Ryze became a member in Glass Futures to explore the role of hydrogen can play in reducing the glass industry’s carbon emissions.
Jake Harding, Business Development Executive at Ryze, said, “Float gas is a key component for the construction and automotive industries which are, in turn, key pillars of the UK economy.”
Guardian Glass’ Plant Manager, Chris Duguid, added, “Hydrogen is vital to our float gas production processes. Hydrogen is used to create an oxygen-free environment as a blanket to avoid oxidation of the tin onto which we float molten glass. As this is needed 24-hours a day, it is absolutely critical that we partner with a reliable supplier which is what we have with Ryze.”
19.12.2023, Ryze Hydrogen
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