AGC, a world-leading manufacturer of glass, chemicals and high-tech materials, has developed a thermal comfort laminated glass roof covered with Low-E coating(1) combined with IR-coating(2), which has been adopted for the new Toyota C-HR launched in 2023.
AGC’s thermal comfort panoramic roof offers the biggest possible transparent opening to increase light in cabin, while keeping unique thermal comfort performances.
The combination of the laminated technology(3) covered with IR-cut and low-E coatings, enables to reflect infra-red rays in summer while keeping heat inside the cabin in winter. As a result, the sunshade can be eliminated, which contributes to a safe and comfortable drive with more head-room while offering a large transparent view to the sky.
This unique panoramic roof contributes to sustainable mobility as it enables to reduce the use of Heating and Air-conditioning in summer and winter thanks to the thermal comfort coatings, and it offers a lighter body thanks to the sunshade removal.
The AGC Group has positioned the mobility business as a strategic business. AGC will contribute to the realization of a sustainable mobility society by providing optimal materials and solutions, as the functions required by automotive glass diversify with the advancement of CASE.
19.12.2023, AGC
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