Mr. Asawin Techacharoenvikul Executive Vice Chairman, Burly Jucker Public Company Limited (BJC) and Mr. Tan Chun Hin UOB Thailand President and Management Team continue the sustainability spirit of both organizations in conducting business in accordance with sustainable development guidelines.
Signed a Signed Agreement on Sustainability Linked Loan and Sustainability-linked Derivatives with a total credit limit of more than 7,200 million baht. (USD 200 million) to drive sustainability for Thai society in all dimensions.
BJC's agreement to integrate its financial strategy is another move towards achieving the benchmark in environmental business practices. This is in line with UOB's policy to support entrepreneurs to access sustainable finance. Under the concept of access to sustainable financing for smart cities to drive the development and promotion of renewable energy in Thailand at Big C House Head Office.
13.12.2023, Berli Jucker
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