Advanced Energy’s new Artesyn® CSU3200ET series addresses the high-performance, space-constrained power demands of next-generation computing applications including Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).
Operating at 96% efficiency and a maximum current of 262 A, this 80PLUS® Titanium hot-pluggable power supply in CPRS (common redundant power supply) 1U form factor features active PFC, very low total harmonic current distortion and advanced monitoring and control options.
Key Features:
Flexible, high-power 80PLUS® Titanium PSU with industry-leading power density
Ultra-efficient, compact solution for AI processors and other high-performance compute applications
Hot-pluggable with active power factor correction (PFC) and very low total harmonic current distortion to comply with EN 61000-3-2 limits
Whether you’re looking to improve the power density and performance of existing installations or to add high-performance compute, networking or storage capacity as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible, then the Artesyn CSU3200ET is the ideal PSU choice
To find out how you can unlock the 3200 W potential of this new technology visit Advanced Energy's CPU3200
01.12.2023, Advanced Energy
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