After a three-year gap due to the pandemic, the Braubeviale fair in Nuremberg is coming back (from 28th to 30th November): this is an unmissable event for the world of Food & Beverage and a point of reference for producers and bottlers of drinks and foodstuffs, as well as suppliers of this sector. Zignago Vetro will be there, ready to experience this splendid fresh start along with all those taking part.
For all suppliers, this show represents an opportunity to present their solutions and services devoted to the sector, as well as to share the details of the processes underlying each stage of production. This year, Zignago Vetro will also be bringing something else: its brand-new image, which will be part and parcel of the whole company from now on.
Zignago Vetro’s stand will be here: Hall 4A, Booth No: 4A-123.
We look forward to seeing lots of you at the exhibition, and to showing you the “new” Zignago Vetro.
16.11.2023, Zignago Vetro
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