WBT in India and Bangladesh

Surprise Mumbai

We are proud to announce that our inaugural participation in one of the glass industry's most significant exhibitions, Glasspex in Mumbai, exceeded our expectations. Our dedicated sales representatives, Mauro and Leonardo, were inundated with intriguing questions, business inquiries, and expressions of appreciation for WBT's unwavering commitment to quality and service.


Our vision aligns the new mentality of Indian manifacturers, and an increasing number of companies, as well as the entire nation, are striving to elevate the quality of their manufacturing and industries. The adoption of WBT's high-durability and long-lasting conveyor belts and gob cutting blades signifies a commitment to enhancing productivity and achieving the desired quality in the final product. Congratulations, India, for your forward-thinking approach!


Bangladesh: the amazing expedition


Our unexpected participation in the main exhibition of the food industry in Bangladesh, BAPA Food Pro, has not only opened new doors but also broadened our perspective.

This remarkable nation and its enterprising individuals have demonstrated a mindset that is driving them to cultivate a fresh industrial landscape, emphasizing technology, quality, and global engagement.

Our engagement extended beyond mere business meetings and encounters on the exhibition floor. We were eager to witness firsthand the new facilities, observe the young skilled operators in action, and gain insight into their innovative approaches. At WBT, we have always prioritized innovation, which goes beyond investing solely in research and development. It also entails fostering relationships that can add value to those who are dedicated to innovation, both for themselves and their respective countries.

07.11.2023, WBT Srl

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