We are delighted to invite you to the inaugural stone-laying ceremony to mark the production of Ciner Glass’ Groundbreaking Glass Manufacturing Facility in Lommel, Belgium.
Ciner Glass will be hosting a livestream event from 10 am CET (9am UK time) on Tuesday, November 14, which will see the Company unveil its design and manufacturing plans for the site, which will provide state-of-the-art glass bottles to the European market.
The ceremony will also feature speeches from prominent political dignitaries and senior members of the Ciner Group.
An agenda for the ceremony can be found below.
We hope you can join us for the livestream of this historic event (times below in Central European Time)
- 10.00 Introduction speech by Mr. Bob Nijs, Mayor of Lommel
- 10.05 Mrs. Didem Ciner, President of Ciner Glass and Ciner Media
- 10.20 Mr. Gokhan Cen, Director Ciner Glass Lommel
- 10.30 Mr. Jo Brouns, Minister for Employment, Economy, Innovation & Agriculture in the Flemish Government
- 10.40 Mr. Jan Jambon, Prime Minister of the Flemish Government
- 10.50 Inaugural stone-laying ceremony
02.11.2023, CiNER Glass
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