Last month, Saverglass’ Sustainable Research and Development department successfully led the first hybrid furnace trials at its Feuquières industrial site.
The aim of the experiment was to develop a mixed combustion of hydrogen and natural gas.
Hydrogen is considered a ‘clean’ source of energy, because when it burns, it emits only water and not CO2.
For this reason, substituting hydrogen for natural gas could pave the way for a substantial transformation of the glass industry, helping to combat climate change and preserve resources.
The project team carried out tests on hydrogen injection at three different rates: 10%, 20% and 30%.
This test campaign confirmed Saverglass’ decision to use hydrogen to decarbonise its glassmaking process.
Maddly Faurie, R&D Engineer for the Glass Process at Saverglass, said: “Decarbonisation is an integral part of our R&D challenges. This trial enables us to challenge and progress our roadmap and complete our panel, providing technical solutions.”
02.11.2023, Saverglass
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