The Vetropack Group, one of Europe's leading manufacturers of glass packaging, announced today that long-standing member of the Board of Directors Urs Kaufmann will resign from the board next year at his own request.
Urs Kaufmann has been a member of the Board of Directors of Vetropack Holding Ltd since 2017. At next year's annual General Assembly, he will not stand for re-election for personal reasons. “I have always greatly appreciated the cooperation with my colleagues on the Board of Directors and the Executive Board of Vetropack, and it is with a heavy heart that I am relinquishing my mandate,” says Urs Kaufmann. In April 2024, Kaufmann is up for election as chairman of the Board of Directors of Bucher Industries. Considering this new responsibility, he has decided to sharpen the focus of his mandate activities.
Claude R. Cornaz, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Vetropack Holding Ltd, expresses both regret and understanding regarding this step: “We are deeply grateful to Urs Kaufmann for his many years of commitment to the Vetropack Group. As a member of the Board of Directors, he has made an important contribution to the growth of our company,” Cornaz says.
02.11.2023, Vetropack
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