Open Call - Close the Glass Loop is actively supporting the sharing of best practices between municipalities across Europe, to amplify the voices of local decision-makers and practitioners who are dedicated to enhancing glass collection and recycling efforts on a daily basis. In our ongoing "Glass & the City Dialogues" web series, we spotlight municipal action plans aimed at improving glass collection for recycling.
We warmly welcome your participation in this initiative. If you have knowledge of a project or case study within your network that could be showcased to benefit various municipalities, allowing them to adopt successful practices, we invite you to reach out to us via email at Please share details with us about the project you'd like to highlight in one of the upcoming "Glass & the City Dialogues" episodes!
Take a moment to visit our YouTube channel and explore the previous episodes of "Glass & the City Dialogues"
YouTube Glass & the City Dialogues
24.10.2023, Glass Loop
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