Completed in 2021, 510 Vermont is a 15-story complex with 468,000 square feet of offices above a parking podium, 10,000 square feet of street-level retail and an amenity deck. This modern high-rise serves as the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health headquarters.
With a focus on energy efficiency and sustainability for this innovative design, Architect Gensler Los Angeles specified 156,000 square feet of Solarban® 70 glass (formerly Solarban® 70XL glass) because of its superior solar control and thermal insulation properties.
Solarban® 70 glass is the industry's most specified triple-silver-coated low‑e glass due to its transparent, color-neutral aesthetic, unprecedented solar control, and visible light transmittance (VLT) characteristics. In a standard one-inch insulating glass unit (IGU), Solarban® 70 glass delivers a VLT of 64% and a solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of 0.27.
One of the many striking design characteristics of 510 Vermont is the diagonal grid of parallelogram-shaped window frames, which add a unique visual element to the building. This creates a dynamic and engaging exterior, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal.
20.10.2023, Vitro Architectural Glass
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