The Glasstech Canada 2023 aims to be the most professional expo for Glass technology in Flat and Hollow Glass industry. Market target is not only Canada but also the entire North America and central America. It is the perfect platform where Flat glass, Hollow Glass industries communicate and meet worldwide suppliers and North American plus Central America buyers.
Meet 70 suppliers from Canada, USA, Italy, Spain, China, India, and more...
Conference topics at Glasstech Canada, Doors and Windows Canada Expo
1. Façade renewal benefits towards energy efficiency
2. Glass Specification through energy
3. Forensic Investigation on existing buildings
4. Performance-based design of Façades for wind-borne debris impacts
5. Sustainability in the flat glass sector: a European vision to deliver truly sustainable buildings
6. How the RE (Rare-Earth) Coating Technology makes the glass more insulated than triple LOW-E. and more
Register now
17.10.2023, Glasstech Canada | Y T International Enterprise Inc.
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