Where does surface tension come from? How long will pre-treatment last? How to achieve stronger ink adhesion? Which printhead will best match my substrate’s shape? Frit or UV inks? Infrared, UV-LED or UV Mercury?
ESMA Academy on 14-16 November 2023 explains and reviews inkjet’s strengths in decorating various types of glass - container, flat, automotive... During lab-based sessions participants experiment with pre-treatment methods, ink characterisation, print parameters, ink delivery systems, drying and curing mechanisms, print quality, drop and colour management.
The course starts at 13:00 on the 14th and ends at 13:00 on the 16th of November.
At the laboratories of the European Centre for Dispersion Technologies participants can experiment at different work stations.
Secure your spot now as the number of participants is limited.
12.10.2023, ESMA
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