Join Vitro Architectural Glass at GlassBuild America
GlassBuild America is heading to Atlanta, Ga., Tuesday, October 31, through Thursday, November 1, 2023, and we hope you’ll join Vitro Architectural Glass for the nation’s largest annual gathering for the glass, window and door industry.
GlassBuild America features live-action product demonstrations, express learning educational sessions, the annual Glazing Executives Forum and exhibitions from over 400 participating glass industry manufacturers and suppliers. The event is produced by the National Glass Association (NGA), which routinely brings together the best minds in the industry to share technical resources and promote and advocate for glass in buildings.
Attendees of GlassBuild America will have the opportunity to meet with representatives from Vitro Architectural Glass at booth #1419 to learn more about some of our latest product innovations, including:
VacuMax™ Vacuum Insulating Glass
The VitroSphere™ Digital Glass Simulator
Register today to secure your spot at GlassBuild America at the Georgia World Congress Center.
18.09.2023, Vitro Architectural Glass
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