Inspirational keynotes, technical insights, two main and two special tracks with a total of 66 presentations. Check here the latest programme details of Industrial Print Integration, Europe’s leading event for specialist print technologies. On 28-29 November 2023 in Düsseldorf-Neuss we welcome an international community of key suppliers, OEMs, innovators and technology users from various industrial markets. Complimentary to full conference and exhibition access, all IPI attendees receive free one-day ticket for drupa 2024.
IPI starts in the morning of the 28th and closes in the afternoon of the 29th of November 2023.
The 4-star Crowne Plaza Düsseldorf-Neuss with discounts for conference participants until 26/9/23.
Fees include full conference and exhibition access, lunches, beverages and a reception at the end of day 1.
14.09.2023, ESMA
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