Contest Presentation
We believe buildings can and should deliver both improved performance and sustainability. We care about maximizing health and wellbeing for everyone, everywhere – while minimizing impact on the environment over a building’s lifespan.
Universities are preparing future generations, and students are already building the future. Together we can build it better.
The objective of the Architecture Student Contest is to develop a project based on sustainability, both for people and the planet. The buildings will be highly energy-efficient, low-carbon, and provide a comfortable environment for their occupants, in order to create better living, working and leisure spaces everywhere.
Helsinki Contest Task 2024
Discover the Contest Task in images by watching these two videos. Read the description of the competition task to find out more about the city of Helsinki, the requirements and the judging criteria for the Architecture Student Contest 2024.
Download the contest task description
13.09.2023, SAINT-GOBAIN
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