What is happening
One week to Vitrum!
Sparklike is attending to Vitrum again with our Italian distributor Tecnovati.
Welcome to test Sparklike Handheld 3.0 and Sparklike Laser Portable 2.1 at Hall 7 - Booth E23 - E27 and discuss about non-destructive insulating gas measuring.
We look forward to seeing you at Vitrum on the 5th to 8th of September.
Partnership of 20 years - SKAALA takes quality seriously
Window Manufacturer SKAALA is one of the most known window and door brands and its story has begun in 1956 in Finland. As they share on their website – domestic production, quality materials, and domestic work are still at the core of the company.
On top this, SKAALA has been a pioneer and measured their insulating glass units’ (IGUs) together with Sparklike almost 20 years. This shows their prioritizing to quality control which appears in their high customer satisfaction.
Measure double or triple glazed IGUs with coatings
Based on our customer satisfaction survey, many are looking for measuring device that would measure triple units or through coatings. Good news, we have two devices for that!
Are you looking a device which can be moved around? Check Sparklike Laser Portable 2.1. Or do you need a measuring system that is integrated to the IG-line? Learn more Sparklike Laser Integrated.
30.08.2023, Sparklike
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