Vitro Architectural Glass (formerly PPG Glass) has appointed Matias Reyes as national architectural manager for the Ontario/Quebec Region.
Reyes will coordinate and manage large commercial construction projects, supporting architects, facade consultants and engineers through the glass selection process.
“Matias is a great addition to the Vitro team. His knowledge and understanding of Vitro Glass products will help customers make informed decisions about their projects, setting them up for success,” said Frank Caporiccio, Director of Canada Architectural Business. “I’d also like to highlight his enthusiasm and eagerness to build customer relationships and make the product selection process as easy as possible for them.”
Reyes brings 10 years of glass industry experience in both design and construction disciplines to Vitro. He earned an advanced degree in Architectural Construction Engineering from Conestoga College - School of Engineering. He resides in the greater Toronto area.
15.08.2023, Vitro
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