The Italian Headquarters of the Fenzi Group, global leader in secondary glass-processing chemicals, has renewed its ISO 28000:2022 certification, passing the audits with excellent results, in full compliance with all the essential requirements to obtain the most advanced certification regarding safety of the supply chain and its entire Italian manufacturing plant.
The Group’s headquarters (located in Tribiano, on the outskirts of Milan), has again been certified at the maximum levels in safeguarding its clients, suppliers, partners and employees, ensuring compliance with strict safety criteria and managing any possible risks with the appropriate tools, to the benefit of business continuity.
Updated last year to enhance the aspects of in-house safety supervision of the facilities and the supply chain, ISO 28000:2022 certification calls for management of all critical situations and any potential threats that could occur throughout the phases of the supply of raw materials and services, and during plant operations, without underestimating the aspects related to movement of individuals inside the production areas or cyber security. Potential risks that could inhibit production and undermine the likelihood of satisfying customer demand within the desired timelines.
“Fenzi SpA has bolstered its system for managing and monitoring possible critical issues or threats with an eye to maximum resilience, sharpening its own strategies to address, strengthen and positively reorganize its business, should it encounter any potentially difficult situations,” emphasized the company’s Quality&Certifications Team.
By safeguarding the traceability of supplies and goods produced along the entire supply chain, optimizing daily operations and developing a responsible, transparent approach in the interests of its clients, Fenzi once again places the well-being of the entire community that rotates around the Group at the very heart of its corporate vision.
08.08.2023, Fenzi SpA
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