This in-person, 1-day event (held in conjunction with Glass Technology Services) includes a mix of talks from expert speakers, discussions, and networking with people from across the supply chain.
If you work for a manufacturer, brand owner, or retailer and are responsible for improving the sustainability credentials of glass packaging, then this event is for you.
Delegates will learn about the hot topics relating to sustainable design, recycled content, recyclability, and rightweighting – along with the future technology options we can utilise to meet net zero targets.
Join us on the 13 September at Tankersley Manor, Sheffield to expand your network, exchange ideas, and discover innovative approaches to promoting sustainability within the packaging industry.
We look forward to welcoming you on the day.
Introduction to British Glass and Glass Technology Services
What makes a glass: Understanding the benefits and impacts of virgin vs alternative raw materials
How your design choices effect glass sustainability
Networking lunch
Working towards net-zero emissions for glass packaging
Understanding the fundamentals of glass recycling
Pushing the boundaries of glass innovation
Your chance to meet the Glass Technology Services team and tour our laboratories
The event will take place in Crook Barn at Tankersley Manor.
Tickets are priced at £80 + VAT for British Glass members and £100 + VAT for non-members.
Lunch and refreshments throughout the day are included in the price.
04.08.2023, British Glass
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