Ciner Glass outlines Welsh facility plans

Turkish glass manufacturer Ciner Glass has outlined its plans for the Wales, UK production facility it is in the process of establishing.

It said the proposed facility in Blaenau Gwent, Wales has the potential to produce millions of recyclable glass bottles each year and promises to bring 600 new jobs to the region.

“Located in the heart of the Gwent Valleys, the proposed development would build on the area’s proud industrial heritage, while also creating a sustainable industry for future generations,” it said.

It added: “Our goal is to be the world’s leading glass production centre, using the latest and most advanced technology, with an economic development model that values its people.

“We plan to play an integral role in the future prosperity of Wales by providing recyclable glass cullet to reduce the requirement for local, regional and national resources helping bring carbon savings and contribute towards the country’s vision for a circular economy.

“Although we are not one of the oldest or the biggest glass companies, we believe our modern and forward-thinking approach makes us one of the best.

"Our vision is global, but our approach will always remain local.”

The company is Turkey’s second largest producer of container glass and produces 330,000 tons.

Ciner Glass established a headquarters in London in 2018 with the aim to produce 2.5 million tons of container glass by 2026.

“As a company, we also want to help greatly reduce the mileage glass has to be transported across Wales and the rest of the UK. Wales currently brings in all its container glass from outside of the country - unsustainable in the modern age.

“By harnessing our existing technology developed in Turkey, which has helped create the world's lightest glass bottle, we can replicate this success.”

04.08.2023, Ciner Glass

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