On July 13, 2022, Liling Kibing Electronic Glass Co., Ltd. (abbreviated as “Liling Kibing” ) lighted up the company’s 2nd Phase Furnace. A few leaders of Zhuzhou Municipal Party and Kibing Group CEO Mr. Zhang attended the light-up ceremony. Representatives from Shanghai Precision Dosing & Weighing System Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Precision”) were invited to witness the milestone event of Kibing Group.
In 2019 Shanghai Precision helped Kibing Group build a complete batch plant for the 1st Phase Furnace. Based on rich experience and competency in high-quality glass batch plants, Shanghai Precision provided strong support to Kibing Group’s entry into the Electronic Glass market. In the second half of 2021, Kibing Group launched the 2nd Phase Furnace with capacity of 65 tons per day. Shanghai Precision was awarded a contract for the sand house, the batch plant and the cullet return system. We took responsibility for engineering design, equipment assembly and supply, and provided installation supervision, on-site testing, commissioning and training. The batch system adopts world-class production design, selects high-quality global-branded equipment, and incorporates Shanghai Precision’s latest batch control technology.
During project execution, many cities in China were hit by rising Omicron risk. As such, Shanghai Precision fully mobilized and coordinated supply chain resources to ensure timely fabrication and delivery, and arranged personnel from various offices to support client’s onsite work. Therefore we managed to deliver high-quality equipment and services to Kibing Glass, while ensured key parameters such as dosing accuracy, mixing homogeneity align with strict industry standards, which contribute to high-quality production from the ensuing glass melting and other processes.
Shanghai Precision specializes in the design and supply of batch system for float glass, fiber glass, container glass, display glass, pharmaceutical glass, etc. As of today, we have designed and delivered more than 100 batch plants to customers. Our technical expertise and system quality has been recognized both in China and abroad.
Kibing Group is one of China’s first-tier glass manufacturers that provides float glass, electronic glass, photovoltaic photoelectric glass, and pharmaceutical glass, etc.
15.07.2022, Shanghai Precision Dosing & Weighing System Co., Ltd
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