Italcoppie Sensori Srl, Italian company based in Malagnino, in the province of Cremona, specialized in the production of temperature sensors for industrial applications signs the agreement for the acquisition of the German company Reckmann GmbH.
As explained by Eng. Canzio Noli, founder of Italcoppie Sensori, and his sons Pietro and Mario Noli, members of the Board of Directors, the acquisition of the company Reckmann GmbH was a natural consequence of a 20-year cooperation between the two industrial companies that, already at the time of their respective founders, have enjoyed mutual esteem and admiration.
The acquisition allows the two companies, both engaged in the temperature sensors market, to join forces becoming one of the most important companies in the European market composed as follows:
more than 500 employees
4 production plants (Germany – Italy – Tunisia – Brasil)
overall turnover of 50 million euros
The agreement also represents a momentum towards innovation that only a company with a long-term vision can pursue and ensure.
The meaning of this acquisition goes far beyond being a financial operation, but it is certainly an industrial operation for which people, rather than things, determine its real great value.
Eng. Canzio Noli
An agreement, therefore, that leads the two realities to unite and become the leading European player in the sector and to a joint work that will allow strategies, synergies and investments that turn out to be the right step towards a future of growth, now more than ever.
24.03.2023, RECKMANN GMBH
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