More Solarban® glass samples than ever before.
New from Vitro, the Advanced Low-Emissivity (low-e) Glass Sample Kit features the widest range of our Solarban® solar control, low-e glass products for convenient, hands-on comparison. Each sample included in this new kit features a solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) of 0.25 or less, making them ideal for designing facades that require daylighting control.
Included in the Advanced Low-E Glass Sample Kit are the following products:
Solarban® R100 Solexia® Glass
Solarban® 90 Clear Glass
Solarban® R77 Solarblue® Glass
Solarban® R77 Atlantica® Glass
Solarban® 70 Solargray® Glass
Solarban® 70 Solarbronze® Glass
Solarban® 70 Optiblue® Glass
Solarban® R67 Optigray® Glass
Solarban® R67 Azuria® Glass
Solarban® 60 Pacifica® Glass
To help inspire your next innovative project, the Advanced Low-e Glass Sample Kit’s design features distinctive projects constructed with Solarban® solar control, low-e glass and includes inserts that provide helpful information about Vitro glass products, websites and services for architects, glaziers and fabricators.
17.07.2023, Vitro
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