Saint-Gobain announces $235 million investment to double production capacity of its Florida gypsum facility

Saint-Gobain North America today announced plans to invest $235 million (approximately €215 million) over the next two years to expand and modernize its CertainTeed (exContinental Building Products) gypsum manufacturing facility in Palatka, Florida, more than doubling the production capacity of the existing manufacturing plant and improving its energy consumption.

Palatka facility, which currently employs over 150 people, began operations in 2001 and is one of the largest gypsum plants in the southeastern United States. It is strategically located in the heart of one of the most dynamic areas in the country with access to natural gypsum.

Starting in the second half of 2025, this new production line will benefit from new, best in class energy-saving equipment and automation technology. The new ultra-low energy board dryer is expected to reduce the energy consumption by about 25%. The new mill system will be equipped with heat recovery technology and estimated to be about 40% more efficient than the existing mill; it will be among the most efficient systems of its type in North America.

This project comes as Saint-Gobain continues to implement its “Grow & Impact” strategy, which includes expanding its presence in fast growing markets. North America is a leading market for the Group with structural needs in light construction and renovation

11.07.2023, Saint-Gobain

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