For the first time since the launch of Close the Glass Loop in June 2020, the community of glass collection and recycling professionals met in person in Renaissance Hotel in Brussels on the 29th of June 2023 to reaffirm their joint commitment to reaching an EU-wide average of 90% glass collection for recycling by 2030. Engaging panel discussions, valuable interactions with representatives from our National Platforms, and exploring insightful booths showcased the collective exchange of opinions to foster glass collection and recycling. Excited to continue making a positive impact toward #ClosetheGlassLoop.
Vanessa Chesnot, Head of Public Affairs and Product Policy at FEVE had a presentation focused on providing the latest updates on the work of Close the Glass Loop platform, delving into its mission and perspective. Her presentation, the event summary and the photos you can find here at the bottom of the page.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the attendees for their active participation and valuable contributions to this remarkable event. For those who were unable to join us this year, we sincerely hope to have the opportunity to connect with you in the future.
The EU glass packaging for recycling rate released
The most recent data on container glass collection for recycling in Europe was released during the Annual Event. The EU average collection of glass packaging for recycling was 80.1% in 2021 which confirms steady progress.
06.07.2023, Glass Loop
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